Death Cult

2 years ago

The Democrat Party is a death cult. They have supported the murder of 70 million plus children in the womb, not counting those children killed by abortifacients, since Roe v. Wade was fraudulently rammed through in 1973.
Recently, someone inside the Supreme Court leaked the draft from Justice Samuel Alito showing that Roe v. Wade will likely be overturned. Whatever leftist leaked it no doubt wanted the violent protests and threats to Supreme Court that have happened to happen, no matter who is harmed. They don't care who they harm, all they know is they want power and that abortion brings them power. I have no doubt that the left wouldn't mind at all if a conservative Supreme Court Justice or two were murdered because they supported the overturning of Roe v. Wade. They would rush a leftist to the court.
The China virus also exposed the left's disregard for life. They tried to hide the effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin when the China virus first hit in early 2020 because they didn't want success against the China virus while President Trump was in office. Yes, they are that evil. Many doctors have said that hundreds of thousands of lives could have been saved if Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin would have been heavily used from the beginning.
Democrats force taxpayers to give the evil Planned Parenthood a half billion a year to kill children. Much of that money is funneled back to Democrats coffers. It's another Democrat money laundering scheme. Yes, they are that evil.
Most who live normal day to day lives don't grasp how evil and deadly the left are. IF we are going to save the country from them we first have to know just who they are and they evil they relentlessly seek to advance.

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