socialism, what does the Bible say?

3 years ago

In the modern era, many young people think that they can be the beneficiaries of a big Government. They think that Government can make them happy and give them financial security and safety, healthcare and free education, and you also hear politicians promise people
'free things" if they get elected. But is that possible? Unfortunately each time this idea of socialism has been implemented, it has failed miserably and has left that once prosperous nation, desperate and poor. One of the drives for people to work and compete is "need". When people need something, they work for it and by doing so, they are contributing to the society as well as being for their own mental and physical health. Another drive is competition, When people know that if they work, they can succeed, they will try more but, they invent things, create products and service, when everybody gets the same at the end of the day regardless of how much they try or they don't try, it destroys incentive and creativity and competition.For example if a teacher give the same grade to the students regardless of how much they have studied, then stop trying because they will be getting the same grade. The Bible says that a man should work and provide for his family and he who does not work shall not eat. We need to rely on God for everything and He is the one who blesses the work of our hand. In the agriculture era when everything was gardening, sowing and reaping and ranching, people had to rely on God's grace and mercy to give the rain on the right season and time otherwise they wouldn't have a crop. In modern economy people are more dependent on a human system than God Himself, thus setting people up for a government control economy for their needs which is a dangerous notion since the Government will be in the control of your life. Specially in the last days the Bible has prophesied that the Anti-Christ will come to control the masses and that will be possible only through controlling the market, selling and buying. Imagine if you depend on the Government for income and healthcare? instead of being independent from government and being dependent on God Himself.

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