Learn how to become a better straight ball bowler #42 with Dann the CD born MAN on 6-19-22 LiteBrite.#42 bowl video

2 years ago

I tried 30 games of trying not to hit the head pin & hit either the 3 pin or the 2 pin trying to get the backwards strike that is getting the baby cloth line to domino forwards. ether the 4-2-1 or 6-3-1 to domino forwards for a strike without hitting the head pin.
Its a really lucky hit for sure. almost as lucky as MOST Jason Belomote's strikes heheheHA! I think it starts out as the long clothesline & depending if you hit the right side 3 pin or if you hit the left side or the 2 pin.
Depending on what side you try it on depends if the 7 will domino into the 4 that will domino into the 2 then to the 1 pin or if you try the right side 3 pin that will cause the 7 pin to domino into the 4 then the 2 then the 1 all coming forward from the opposite side hit.
If you try the right side or the 3 pin then your trying to domino the left side 7 domino's into the 4 to the 2 to the 1 all coming forwards as a domino forwards without hitting the head pin. if you know how to do it leave it comments thanks

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