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"Jesus is our Rock" Part 1

2 years ago

Hello Everyone,
Welcome to my Video series “Jesus is our Rock”.
If you have not watched my “Mystery of Life”, “Us and Them - Part 1 & 2” and my "Tribulation Kick off Events” videos, then please go watch those videos before watching this series, because it will help you better understand the information that is being delivered in this video series.
This (9) nine-part video series, builds upon the “Foundation” of Jonathan Kleck’s Ministry: “This Is It Before the Fire”, where Jonathan has exposed the truth about the human race and how our souls are all being hunted through the male and female twin host body flesh system, to transmute our angelic energy to birth a demonic race of serpent scorpions Locusts, that will be birthed from the pit in the end of the world.
In this video series, I expose the spiritual battle that is taking place within the male and female twin host body system, at a cellular level within our DNA. I also provide scriptural evidence to prove that we are the human temple for God to dwell in and that written within the word of God, is the mystery of how we get saved and spiritually converted at a molecular level, when we finally submit to the Lord God and win our symbolic wrestle with God, as Jacob did in a place called Pineal. This is one of the most mind-blowing revelations of all times, because I’m going to show you how the characteristics of our DNA, is written with in the word of God and how the Lord God has revealed to us, that when we finally believe and admit our guilt and submit to Jesus, He sends the Holy spirit into us to activate a third strand of DNA, that has been laying at rest, waiting for us to repent and submit our will to Him, so that He can stand up that third pillar, which restructures our DNA into a triple helix and bridges the gap between our duality, thus abolishing the enmity to make one new man from the two that described in Ephesians 2:15. And by the end of this video you will know if you have been spiritually converted and have become a lively stone on Jesus’ spiritual church.
I’m also going to show you how the enemy (Satan) wants to gain access to your human temple, which will be through he fulfill the Daniel 2:43 prophecy, “And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay”
I respectfully ask everyone who watched these videos, not to text me questions until you have fully watched each video to the end. But I will do my best to answer questions for those who have taken the time to learn the material.
Please keep in mind that there is one final part that I am working on now, but the Lord gave me the green light to release these now, which means that we are close to going home.
Please pray for the Lord to give you the eyes to see and ears to hear before watching these videos. And as always, please take everything to Lord for your own discernment and your own personal confirmations.
God Bless! Peace & Grace


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  • Thank you for all the work you have done on making these videos. And I know you have been called and chosen by God. I am a brother in Christ and I have a testomony of what the LORD has done in my life and continues to show me new things. I had never heard about the twin system that you discribe but I can see it when you explain it. These things were never explained to me in any Church. I found out about the Ekklesia a few years ago. That Jesus never used the word church,. He said on this rock i will build my Ekklesia which means a Ruling Counsel and it was how Rome ruled in the areas they control. Ekklesias. It only takes two to have an Ekklesia were two or more are gathered in His Name there He will be in the midst, and Christ is the Head of the Ekklesias.

  • This video makes me smile and cry.

  • Good afternoon. Been watching and learning a lot from your videos. Which version in strings do you recommend?

  • https://www.youtube.com/@jesuschrist-qv5dj/videos

    1 like
  • Glory to God. Thank you Teacher. I gave myself back to the Lord 100% this year. Now I see, hear. I'm not after likes or views, i just want people toknow and see the Truth. go in the right direction, to God the almighty living God. Please help me share this video. I found him like I found you and Jonathan. Glory to God. It reveals their plan. He is in hiding because of his power to see the Truth. https://rumble.com/v2rksi3-countdown-to-the-big-event.html Peace and love to all.

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  • I hope you see this comment to address- . I did not know where to address it in an email, but IS THERE a MYSTERY of LIFE PART 1? because you DO show: A Mystery of Life- PART 2 (2) Your work is amazing Your work to convey what you believe is so amazingly complete I am having trouble believing that Lucifer is the creator of the world since we are always knowing that God SPEAKS to HIS CREATION—HUMANITY- THROUGH ALL of NATURE!! PLEASE REPLY! Sandyetanner@icloud.com

  • https://x.com/lone07874559405

  • Thank you here is some music for you. In french they call our Father; Dieu Eternel, I read his name in a very large, old Bible: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/su37b2tkmtoc47c3x6v1h/h?rlkey=4an71wrj6mra8hhjbd0rcbycw&st=u0cxxx1o&dl=0