Become Heroic - Love Always Wins (SERIES PART 4 OF 6)

3 years ago

Over a decade ago, I read a book that absolutely transformed my life; “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom. This is where the line love always wins come from.

After living 48 years on this planet and losing my best friend to cancer, my wife’s love of drugs winning out over my love and forgiving the person who abused me as a child I now know that this line is incredibly true.

Yelling, screaming and belittling others might seem to produce results in the short term, but in the long term it will produce sleepless nights, a dirty conscious and an inherent knowing in our heart that the behavior isn’t true.

We came from love, we are love and we can attract love if we choose to subtract all of the things in our life that aren’t aligned with love. Give it a chance. Of course it begins with learning to love ourselves.

To quote Jones from “The Noticer:" "All of life’s opportunities come from relationships so have good ones.”

Do you want to win? Love always wins.

Story About Wife and Drugs:
Story About friend losing his battle with cancer:
Tuesdays with Morrie:
The Noticer:

Jonathan Dunn is an award-winning coach who helps individuals and teams become the greatest-versions-of-themselves. He is also a dynamic public speaker and corporate facilitator for groups from 10 to 1,000. His topics range from internal corporate communication to creative inspiration, to the power of creating a caring culture to living a fun and fulfilling life. His sense of humor, style, and mode of presentation is always original, always colorful, and always memorable. Testimonials provided upon request.

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