01/24/10 How Do You Find Love? (Sunday Service)

4 years ago

BOND Sunday Service, January 24, 2010: Jesse Lee Peterson reminds people about the theme of the year 2010: Trust Truth. He reads from Proverbs 1, about wisdom. Parents and older people are not teaching knowledge to the young. Some in the congregation talk about how they seek to do what's right in their lives. The knowledge of truth is not the living truth that changes you. Jesse points out that you cannot have fear, doubt, loneliness, insecurity, worries, anxiety, or depression if you do not have anger.

About midway through the service, Jesse recounts a story from his time at Crenshaw Christian Center with Pastor Fred Price, in which he didn't feel like a man. More recently a friend from this church recounted a long story of seeking after God, being a good Christian, involved in the church. In his late 40s or 50s he still lived with his mother. He fell sick, physically debilitated to a point near death. Bedridden, he was forced to be still, partially unable to hear. In that state, he realized that he hated his mother, and that he had no love. How do you find love?

BLOG POST: https://rebuildingtheman.com/01-24-10-how-do-you-find-love-sunday-service/

0:00 Welcome to Church
2:41 Proverbs 1
6:22 Feedback: Trusting Truth
12:04 Knowledge of Truth
13:55 About a liberal preacher
15:19 Knowing vs Discovering
20:11 Feedback on knowing
24:44 When you have no anger
29:41 About an old church friend
39:18 Feedback on the story
44:14 See yourself
46:26 Fake it till you make it?
48:36 Perfect love doesn’t spoil
50:36 Do I have to suffer?
53:34 No sex out-of-wedlock
55:37 Oprah promoted sex
59:03 Closing service
1:00:17 Support BOND

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday 11 AM Pacific Time at BOND in Los Angeles, California, USA - Call-in: 888-77-JESSE (1-888-775-3773) http://rebuildingtheman.com/church

SILENT PRAYER: http://silentprayer.video | AUDIO https://soundcloud.com/rebuildingtheman/silent-prayer

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