Plastic Water Bottles Crushing our World and Species with Stephen Robert Miller HuffPost Writer

3 years ago

Stephen's Articles

I’m an independent writer and editor focusing on climate change, adaptation, conservation and environmental decision making. I like complicated stories with complex characters who throw us for a loop.

My reporting and essays have appeared in National Geographic, Discover Magazine, Huffington Post, Pacific Standard, Audubon, Sierra, High Country News, Undark, CityLab and many others. Covering environmental justice and the impacts of climate change on rural communities, I’ve written about the plight of farmers in drying Arizona, mass climate migration in Bangladesh and the struggle against fossil fuels in Arctic Alaska.

In 2018, I was selected for the Ted Scripps Fellowship at the University of Colorado’s Center for Environmental Journalism. Previously, I served as senior editor of environmental justice for YES! Magazine where I wrote, edited and photographed for the web and a quarterly printed publication. I also helped produce the magazine’s first multi-award-winning digital special edition, animated video, and a series of comics journalism. Before that, I was the managing editor for a Washington-based newspaper publisher, overseeing the production of six neighborhood weeklies, including Seattle’s Capitol Hill Times.

I’ve won several awards for my editing, reporting and work in multimedia. A sometime cartoonist, my drawings have been published in Paste Magazine, The Stranger, Seattle Weekly, Narrative Magazine and The Syrup Trap.

I studied journalism and French at the University of Arizona.

These days, I’m based in Longmont, Colorado. Thanks for stopping by.

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