Arriving into Amsterdam

2 years ago

Amsterdam was actually a diversion. The original ride plan did not include the Netherlands. The intention was to ride France, head directly through the top of Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia and into Poland from the south.
Why the diversion? Well, Sol had his older daughter living there and he wanted to prove to her that if he made a promise he would keep it. He promised he would visit her and spend a few days with her in Amsterdam on our way to our real destination...Poland.
I didn't have to agree, after all it was my trip and not his. The problem is there is such a thing as doing the right thing in life. The right thing was to assist my friend in re-establishing a relationship with his daughter. She quite frankly didn't believe he would ever make it and continued to view him as someone who talked the talk but did not always walk the walk.
Now my friend Sol is often guilty of talking much but doing little. Well my friend it was time finally to walk the walk and I was never going to be the reason he did not complete his required mission.
In the same way, I did not begin this journey to not complete it to its final conclusion, with all goals achieved no matter how difficult this became.
This was a one time deal and failure was not an option. In the same way, Sol became a part of this mission so his sub goals became my responsibility as well as his. This is how this had to be viewed.
Frankly, I was not interested in imposing on Sol's daughter and her boyfriend. That's not my style.
Sol had spoken to the young couple while we were in France and then again when we were in Belgium. I think at that point the young lady realised her old man may actually make it to visit but did not hold her breath.
I told Sol I would stay in one of the many Hotels nearby where the youngsters lived and he could just stay with them and spend quality time with them. They were renting a small house with barely enough room for them let alone another two adults.
We arrived into Amsterdam probably a day earlier than expected. The traffic and weather were both pretty nasty as we left Belgium. On the final 40-50kms into the center of Amsterdam the traffic was like negotiating the New Jersey Turnpike entering Manhattan via the Holland Tunnel...bumper to bumper.
The good thing of course was that European drivers are very accommodating towards motorcycle riders and we actually were lane filtering for the final 30kms into the city without anyone running us over thankfully.
We made very good time in the heavy rush hour traffic approaching the more peaceful inner city. We eventually found a hotel close to the young ones and settled into our home for this first night.
Before the dark of the evening we actually took a walk and found the kids address but did not attempt to bother them.
As usual, we were totally worn out and hoped we could spend a few restful days here before the nightmare crossing of Germany into Poland. This was the next leg of the journey but we were firmly focused on the job at hand in Amsterdam.

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