They are throwing you to the Wolves!

2 years ago

I think it's important for us to SEE these people for who they really are. They are perpetrating EVIL on humanity. We must not give them any weight.

Do not believe these liars- they have nothing to back up their
narrative. They use conjured up viruses to instill fear to create a
"Psychogenic Disease". THEY are the Virus!

SOO many people are being killed by these experimental gene "therapies"

sorry, my phone always cuts off at 33:11 (their numbers!)

Please, have faith in your body and minds' thoughts to keep you healthy and free of fear. We need everybody on board to help take these sociopaths down. Their occult, in your face symbolism- so dark, twisted.

(This is where i was cut off- for your health)
If you have taken any of these experimental jabs, please consider intermittent fasting as your body discards bad proteins.
Our success and health is our best revenge.
Stand together. Stick together, Stay United, Protect those who are STANDING bravely for YOU! As if they were your family. Please do not
let their dark minds affect you.
State Senate Hearing Meeting- just listen to these weak humans spewing out the narrative- none of them have done their due diligence- they can't think on their own. Don't fall for their lies!
State Senate Hearing Meeting:
Look at 55:11 Dr Woodcock:

THEY make up these Variants "Omicron" REALLY?? In your face= MORONIC - and the experimental jabs are causing the variants and destroying your bodys natural immune systems ability to combat the bodys' build up of toxicity.

Showing the blood clotting- seems to be one of the major effects of their "therapies" and or testing. Please, do not get tested!! You are literally poisoning yourself when you consent to these toxic traps.

Blood Clotting these experimental vaccines (or maybe the Sodium Azine? are

Jon Rappopart, The Cdc admits they concocted the virus
CDC/FDA confess: they had no virus when they concocted the test for the virus
If you want to look at the numbers they shove in our faces, this is a quick way to see what they may really be telling us.

And this is what they want you to shove in your noses to satisfy their testing requirements- do NOT do self harm!!

the Coca Cola today is NOT what it use to be- they have tainted so much- from the foods we consume to the bible to history.
Here is some history about the real coca cola: (but he was a pharmacist)

Chronologicof Coca Cola (Dynamic Ribbon Device= NIB Did Embryo Vaccine)

Black Sabbath: (Pen Nib)

THIS is what they want you to shove up your nose- Sodium Azide:

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