Gormy: How to Drop 300 Pounds…. Twice!

3 years ago

Have you ever heard of someone dropping 300 pounds, gaining it all back… and then dropping 300 pounds again, for good?

Our guest today, our friend Mike Gorman, also known as Gormy, struggled with his weight his entire life. From his peak weight of 540 pounds, he is now more than 300 pounds lighter and is mastering maintenance.

Gormy started the popular podcast, The Fat Guy Forum, and became a Nutrition Coach inspiring other folks to overcome the challenges of obesity and especially food addiction, which is more rampant than ever these days.

In today’s show, we’re chatting about…
* Lessons learned from shedding 300 pounds… twice!
* Mastering weight loss maintenance with mindfulness
* How to eat low carb at a hospital
* Prevent serious illness by prioritizing health
* Why it’s important to go at your own pace
* And tons more...

Read the show notes: https://fatburningman.com/gormy-dropping-300-pounds-twice/

Check out and support Gormy at https://www.theketoroad.com/coach-mike

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