Victoria Nuland Was Major Architect of 2014 US-Run Coup in Ukraine and Operation of Deadly Bio-Labs

2 years ago

Victoria Nuland Was Major Architect of 2014 US-Run Coup in Ukraine and Operation of Deadly Bio-Labs

First published at 04:26 UTC on June 22nd, 2022.

#victorianuland #ukraine #BioLabs


The political left in the US incessantly blamed Russia for allegedly interfering with the US presidential election won by Donald Trump in 2016. But the Democrats won't talk about how the US in 2014 literally overthrew a duly elected Ukrainian president under the auspices of current Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland and her cronies. They then set up a puppet regime in Ukraine, with many Americans placed in positions of power. Nuland's machinations included the operation of 46 bio-labs in Ukraine where dangerous viruses were used to experiment on (and kill) Ukrainian citizens. John Mark Dougan discusses Victoria Nuland's role in the Bio-labs and the Ukrainian government's overthrow.

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