Nightwatch - Classic Police Reality Show OTR! - 1950s Vintage True Crime Detective Old Time Radio!

2 years ago

Macabre Bizarre presents a 6-pack of classic police reality radio Nightwatch! This program features police reporter Don Reed and his first hand account of the activities of the Culver City Police Department. Not a fictional radio drama as with most old time radio this is actual recordings of police events, think of it as a 1950s COPS! Grab a snack, get comfy, and enjoy this time machine to 1950s California policing!

00:00 - Nude Prowler - Original Broadcast Date April 05, 1954
(A remorseless thieving pervert and a violent stalker's death!)

22:29 - Kenny Narco & Headplate— Original Broadcast Date June 18, 1954
(This is a lot of trouble for some low grade reefer…)

50:11 - Hammer 211 - Original Broadcast Date July 10, 1954
(A bloody liquor store robbery and a teenage reefer addict!)

01:17:20 - 311 Southgate - Original Broadcast Date April 12, 1954
(Another pervert..this time it's a really creepy public masturbation guy.)

01:38:43 - Old Bat & Crowbar - Original Broadcast Date July 24, 1954
(An angry old bird and a two bumbling car thieves.)

02:06:53 - Pick Up & Whose Crazy - Original Broadcast Date October 07, 1954
(Teenagers up to trouble and a crazy married couple reconciliation.)

Nightwatch was broadcast beginning in 1954 and ending in 1955. This is a fantastic time capsule of 1950s police culture as well as a glimpse into the lives of normal folks of the time.

The sound quality on these shows may sound low fidelity to many listeners, however the recordings presented here are the highest quality copies available of these rare vintage radio broadcasts. I claim no ownership or copyright claims to any of these recordings and I am sharing them here to preserve them for future listeners. I believe these recording to exist in the public domain.

Public Domain Mark 1

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