Mr. D's 4 rules to Sovereignty

2 years ago

Dana gives you the Four steps needed to "Truly" be sovereign. Most people don't understand what it means to be free. Sovereignty is self-governance and awareness of your surroundings. When you know who you are, where you are, and the value you bring to the game, only then will you walk in your true power. You are the caretaker that oils this machine called the UNITED STATES, and when you realize you are the source of their existence, you will act like the "GOD" you genuinely are and end their reign.
My Course: Class Link:
My website course: "Live Free with Dana Sanders, "is designed to address Anxiety,
Depression, and various types of Mental Illness. Once you understand a few basic principles, you will learn who you are, where you are, and how to flourish in any environment. The key is to "Know Thyself." You will learn the difference between Living in the "Public" (United States) and in the "Private" (America). There is a difference.
For Consultation:
Phone Number: 305-998-0204

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