The Weekly Energy Foresight for June 20-26, 2022

2 years ago

Tarot Cards: Angel Tarot
by: Radleigh Valentine
Oracle Cards: Archangel Oracle
by: Hay House

June 20-26, 2022

Seven Of Water (Cups)

There may be a challenging decision you've been procrastinating on to make a decision... but this week you're asked to finally make the choice that will see you moving forward instead of staying stuck, and possibly comfortable!

Go deep into self, ask your higher spirit-self for guidance on which aspect you should choose for your highest and best good at this time, and then listen intently for the answer.

Once you get the nudge, choose it! Go forward with the confidence of one that KNOWS you've chosen correctly because you have!

If you are still unsure, call upon your Spirit Team to validate your choice and have communion with your Team, which includes your Higher Spirit-Self as well

Mid-Week ~ 20-23

End-Week ~ 23-26

20 - American Eagle Day
- National Ice Cream Soda Day
- International Surfing Day
- World Productivity Day
- ♋ Sun Enters Cancer
- 🌗 Last Quarter Moon
21 - Midsummer/Litha/Summer Solstice
- National Seashell Day
- National Go Skateboarding Day
- National Daylight Appreciation Day
- World Giraffe Day
- World Peace & Prayer Day
- International Day of Yoga
- Make Music Day
- National Indigenous Peoples Day: CAN
22 - National Kissing Day
- National Onion Ring Day
- World Rainforest Day
23 - National Pink Day
- National Hydration Day
24 - Take Your Dog to Work Day
- International Fairy Day
- World UFO Day
- St. John Baptiste Day: CAN
25 - Summersgiving
- Global Smurf Day
26 - National Beauticians Day
- National Coconut Day
- National Chocolate Pudding Day

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