THE CHANCE TO EXIST with English subtitle and VOICE Second version

2 years ago

Praised be Jesus-Christ, His peace be with you ! There is an experience that

I would like that everyone is done, it is to realize that we are alive, that in this moment we exist.

But it's fabulous! We would have could not being. When our parents united, there were billions

of chances for that it be an another human being than us who exist, and that has been us.

Our existence is not necessary. There was a time where we didn't exist, and we paid nothing

to receive existence. It is a pure gift. What luck than to be able to participate to this

great adventure of existence. Where whatever our condition, we can bring something of personal,

original, to the measure of our will, of our freedom. Since we received the life for free,

that wants say by love, so how do not to seach to know who gave it to us? Because it's not

our parents which are origin of the life, themselves having received it from their

own parents. And then, it is necessary that at some point, we stop the chain of transmitters

to find The one who is the origin and the giver of the life. How not to say thank you

to Him for this life that we ​​live now and that we would have could not to know?

To meet the One who is the to origin of our life, who gave it to us for free because

He loves us, you have to descend into yourself, deeply into yourself, at the root

of ourselves, there where we begin to exist, and touch like of finger The one who's doing

right now to give us existence, to say to Him THANKS. The one who is giving us existence

in this moment, is not an impersonal force, dark, a pure energy, as it is believed in

the New Age. He is someone of which we are in his likeness, which has revealed Himself in

our history, who is called Jesus-Christ. Jesus-Christ has said, "I am the Way."

to lead you justly to Him who is the origin: the Father, who gave you the life that

I am myself. We can to surrender with confidence at the who gave us the life,

because He is our Father. We can surrender as we are to The One who has wanted that

we exist and who is cause, the reason for our being. Jesus-Christ taught us that this God

who created us by love, also redeemed us by love by assuming our human nature,

by becoming man for that us the humans that we may be united to Him, enlivened by Him,

to return at Father, return to Him who is the source of the freedom of the life and

of love, and there, to flourish us in this infinite joy of being. That the Lord who is

there and which gives us the joy of being alive, gives you by His Spirit, the grace

to come back to Him deep down of your heart to tell Him THANK YOU

and I like You!

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