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Michael Walsh On The Organized Fight ‘Against The Great Reset’

2 years ago

Michael Walsh On The Organized Fight ‘Against The Great Reset’


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  • The great reset is not just a political and financial transfer of all the worlds wealth. People need to wake up and understand that klaus Schwab’s WEF is a Sect. The New World Order transhumanist agenda is controlled by the Vatican Jesuits globalists. It’s a one world church of Satan. Man is God. The Vatican Jesuits globalists have been brainwashing the world with their Jesuit scientism (there is no God). It’s not enough to talk about the great reset without including the Jesuit occult agenda. It’s the enslavement of your soul. It’s a spiritual war.

  • US needs to disengage from UN, WHO, World Bank and WEF. They are globalist communist trash organizations. CDC and NIH are garbage too. Hoping Trump wins a third term in 2024.

  • Run for the school board in your town, please.

  • bb. Events on & following Nov 3 2020 & Jan 6 2021 should be adequate to convince everybody ((( WE ARE UNDER SIEGE OF TYRANNY ))); and, if Nov 8 2022 election is stolen, or cancelled altogether, IT'S OUR DUTY TO REMOVE our tyrannical gov't by force. It is what our forefathers expect us to do WHEN (not "IF") tyranny returns, and WE'VE EXHAUSTED ALL PEACEFUL COUNTER-OPS. The remedy that allows us to finally fix this problem is 2A. PRAY for the best, but BE PREPARED for the worst. Visit WWW.CSPOA.ORG to get started.

  • Covid panic? What panic? Do i seem panicked to anyone? I'm not. What I am is pissed. I am pissed at the globalists who think God came floating down on a cloud anointing them with some special authority. Screw them. The way to beat them is to ignore them. Trouble is we keep talking about them. We keep giving them special status by referring to them as "elites". Horse feathers. We, that is to say, you reporters play right into their hands every time you talk about them. To hell with globalism.

  • But not the man who identified the WEF as who and what they are as far back as 1980??? Where is Patrick Wood? I bet you $00.10 each one of those guys read every word of Wood s books to prep, except maybe VDH, but who knows. The one man who wrote more books on the technocracy than any other with no mention.

  • The corrupt leaders within the WEF will own everything and they will be happy is the truth of it, the fact the WEF pushes global warming and is partnered with the Jesuit controlled Vatican tells me they are corrupt to the core and are full of deceit, they could care less about anybody but themselves, just like the Vatican all the WEF wants is wealth & power/influence.

  • Satan knows that he doesn’t have much time left before Jesus returns. He is pushing his minions towards a one world government. He and his antichrists will think they are controlling the world but when Jesus returns, he and his followers will be destroyed. This was written in Revelation hundreds of years ago. Put your trust in the hands of God while you still have time. He is the only true hope for all of us!

  • https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/against-the-great-reset-michael-walsh/1141411345?ean=9781637586303

  • Goodbye DIMs. Vote Mr. Trump and his VP Mrs. DeSantis.

  • When you search this title on Amazon, it’s third on the list. The first two have completely different names.

  • Michael Walsh On The Organized Fight ‘Against The Great Reset’ Yes, we must all spread the word about this global insurrection taking place in the name of the Great Reset. Whenever I'm out and about in markets, restaurants, and shopping centers I say "God bless you for not wearing a mask" to people whenever appropriate. If a positive conversation comes of it, I then hand them a card with platforms (Rumble, Odysee, and Bitchute) and searches printed on them that they can do to find out more about what's going on. I always make sure to put the cards in my back pocket with I'm out and about. This is how my cards look. I fit six in one page and then cut them to size. Rumble.com Bitchute.com Odysee.com Please search the following: vaccine adverse events 2020 election critical race theory One America News Real America's Voice Great Reset Dr. Sam Bailey event 201 Great Barrington Declaration.org openvaers.com Book: The Real Anthony Fauci Book: Rigged by Mollie Hemingway

  • Marrena People should get Glen Beck's book on "The Great Reset." He has a great research team.

  • That's all well and good, but until the right breaks out of its protected shell and starts protesting leftwing tyranny we will always remind behind the scenes. Our own Party leaders refuse to work for us and we aren't out there protesting them. How can we make progress against Schwab?

  • https://the-pipeline.org/