Tech Tuesday 11: Firefox privacy improved? Does GIMP make you happy? Do you like to customize your Linux life?

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2 years ago

Tech Tuesday 11-1:

Firefox the most private browser ever, now? Idk... let's find out.

#Firefox #privacy #Foss #techfreedom #notanendorsement


Mr. Clemens was right. What can I say? The most crucial thing is that we are alive, only slightly less important is this: the why. What part of God did He put in you when He created you? What gap do you fill in the world?

#memesplanation #techfreedom #motivation #inspiration #findoutwhy

Tech Tuesday 11-2:

New GIMP release. For those of you who do photo editing, these changes may make you dance a jig.

#techfreedom #techtips #technews #Foss

Product Spot:

#techfreedom #privacy #getfree #datarescue

Tech Tuesday 11-3:

New Plasma point release! Moar theming options... lol Lot's of other fixes, too.

#techfreedom #Foss #KDE #techtips

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