Tips for making two dogs friends.

2 years ago

Tips for making two dogs friends.
Many guardians are in doubt about whether or not to adopt a new dog when they already have a puppy at home. Even because it is very common to find dogs that do not get along with other animals, even if they are of the same species. But, after all, is it possible to make two dogs friends?
When it comes to a domestic dog, many come to their owners' home when they are two or three months old. This is the so-called first stage of fear.
The period is crucial for showing the dog what to fear and what situations can be very pleasant. This includes socializing with other dogs and people!
When a pet does not receive the necessary social stimuli in the first months of life, or when it has traumatic experiences, it will most likely become antisocial.
To promote canine socialization, it is important that the pet has contact with other dogs and people while still a puppy. However, those who think that just walking him around, letting him explore the world without interference, are mistaken.
This is because the idea of socialization is not only to get the pet used to stimuli. It is important to make him enjoy the company of other dogs.
This is the main difference between passive and active socialization. In the former, the pet receives random stimuli and runs the risk of having negative experiences.
In the second, the tutor "creates" these encounters in a controlled way, associating them with other pleasant stimuli, such as games and treats. This makes the furry appreciate the presence of other dogs with good experiences. Soon, he gets along well with them.
The choice of individuals, as well as the manner in which the pets are introduced, is very important in socialization. Contact with an aggressive pet or an interaction surrounded by scolding and punishment can be traumatic.
Therefore, here are some tips that will help you avoid problems and ensure a more appropriate socialization:Try to introduce the puppy only to sociable and calm dogs. This facilitates the interaction, decreasing the risk of fights. Preferably, do the introduction in closed, quiet places, away from other stimuli that may scare the friendly dogs. Let them look at each other and smell each other until they feel comfortable to play. In case of fights, make a loud noise to distract the dogs and separate the two with caution, avoid fighting, do not shout and do not do anything that may contribute to the pet to associate that moment with something negative, offer treats and stimulate play. This helps your friend to associate the presence of other dogs to pleasant moments.
If you have trouble socializing your pet with a new member of the household or with other dogs, it is worth seeking the help of a dog behavior specialist.

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