UK mum wins award from PM after creating youtube series on Makaton language programme

2 years ago

A mum has won a prestigious award from the Prime Minister after creating a YouTube series with her daughter about Makaton - to educate people on the unique language programme.

Nikki Holt began the series 'Makaton with Lucinda' after her daughter, who has Down's Syndrome, significantly benefited from using the language programme.

Nikki, 47, said Makaton "made such a huge difference to Lucinda's communication" that she wanted to raise more awareness of the language programme and "inspire more people to learn it".

Makaton is a language programme that incorporates a blend of speech, signing and the use of symbols - but is not described as a sign language.

Its main purpose is to help individuals with communication or learning difficulties and is used by over 100,000 people as their main method of communication.

Nikki of Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, said: “Makaton is a Language Programme which uses signs and symbols alongside speech.

"As we always speak when we sign, Makaton can really help support speech development.

"If someone has little or no speech, or their speech is unclear, Makaton (and everyone around them that knows and uses it) becomes invaluable to that person".

The mother-of-three was awarded Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s daily Points of Light award on 23 May this year for her outstanding contributions in the space.

The award was first launched in April 2014 to recognise the achievements of individuals and volunteers who have served their local communities.

Nikki knew a little Makaton from her days as a support worker but her real learning journey began after Lucinda, now eight, was born - and during lockdown she trained to become a Makaton Tutor.

Nikki started sharing the clips, which have now received over 125,000 views, when Lucinda turned four years old.

Since then, the pair have made thousands of videos which help people understand how to communicate a variety of different words and nouns - from chocolate, rainbow and ‘Happy Father’s Day’ to the Queen’s Jubilee.

Nikki says the programme has been brilliant for Lucinda as it complements her learning style as a visual learner.

She explained: “With Makaton signs and symbols being so visual it works well with Lucinda’s natural strengths and learning style.

“When we sign and use symbols, we are naturally slowing down our communication a little, allowing for more processing time, and we are giving clearer messages.

“The signs and symbols give visual clues as to the meaning of words, that a spoken word alone does not".

Nikki said she has signed with Lucinda since she was a little girl, and she signed her first word back to her mum at just 16 months old.

Nikki added: “Before then, although she wasn’t using it expressively herself it was helping with her understanding, and she had obviously been taking it all in as one day she signed back to me!

“Once she realised that she was being understood there was no stopping her! – and she is adding to her vocabulary all the time.

“Lucinda is my world, she is amazing, and I am so proud of her”.

Makaton can also help people with their attention, memory and recall, reduce discouragement and frustrations for someone who is finding communication difficult and assist individuals in making choices, expressing their feelings or needs and making friends.

Nikki admitted being “so shocked” when she received the Daily Points of Light award that she “could not really believe it”.

She admitted: “I don’t know who nominated us, but it is lovely that someone thought us worthy of it.

“We don’t do this for recognition, but really do appreciate that we get the opportunity to raise the profile of Makaton, and that what we do has been helpful to others”.

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