Model Railroad WiFi Throttle Test/Demo

2 years ago

This is a video showing a test of my WiFi throttle built to function like a simulator, but specifically for LokSound WOW-equipped locos. In this video, I am running a borrowed HO scale LifeLike loco #2293 (thanks, David) with a LokSound 5.0 Micro decoder in an initial trial.

The throttle is an ESP32-based throttle built as an extension of Geoff Bunza's excellent project he published in MRH: "SMA30, A Simplified WiFi Throttle You Cab Customize".

The throttle is connecting to a non-Internet connected WiFi router that is wired to a laptop running JMRI 4.99.9 with the WiThrottle server running. The laptop is running Linux Mint and is connected to the Digitrax DCS100 command station using a 9-pin Digitrax MS100.

I find that this loco is really slow at any particular speed step, but I hope not all are. I also had used the WOW speed step conversion for notching which seems to yield a top speed of speed step 48, which I think is too slow, even for a switching loco, and have already changed that.

I know this functions similar to the ProtoThrottle, but that's not why I made this, so please be kind. I also need to do a better video and plan to do that once I get a couple more kinks worked out.

I plan to publish my sketch on my Google Drive after I do some more tweaking and testing.

Phil in gorgeous Young Harris, Georgia USA

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