65 06 20 0287B SNT Healing Jun 20 1965 Dr. Wierwille bible research Acts Mark

1 year ago

Scripture Index: Acts 9:13-15, 17; (Mark 8:23) --
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Now put yourself in Ananias' shoes. How would you like to have been the delegate to carry the message to this man who had come all the way from from Jerusalem to Damascus to take the Christians and bind them in chains and take them back to Jerusalem? How would you like to have been the disciple to be told to go? Ananias was a little shook when this occurred because he knew, he said so: [13] Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done here at Jerusalem - and here in Jerusalem: [14] And here he has authority to bind us.
This was what - how he reciprocated. God first told Ananias what he wanted. Ananias didn't quite approve, didn't understand what the Lord was saying, so he talked the Lord about it. Today the average person doesn't understand the Word of God or doesn't want to believe God's Word, he talks to everybody else about it except God. If you don't like what God wrote, talk him about it. Right? You couldn't get through anyways, haven't even got a connection, short-circuited or something, not plugged in.
Well Ananias didn't like it particularly. He just said to the Lord "I don't like this business. I don't want to go over there and get myself all chained up and get led back to Jerusalem. I don't mind standing for you, but I'm not just going to throw myself in the lion's mouth and get chewed up, no. That was the attitude and you know what the Lord said to him he said: go, go, go.
And people there is no greater word to the message of - of the heart of God's men and women today, the young people and the children, than the one word: 'Go.' Because we we sit and hatch too much. We rest around on our laurels, hoping that God will open a new way by radio or television or newspaper that the job can be done so we don't have to do it. We've got to go. But before you go, you got to have the Word and that's what the teaching ministry of The Way represents: the Word. We teach our people God's Word; to you for this day and this hour: what's available, how to receive it, what to do with it after you've got it. We teach it to you and then it's up to you to go. If you don't like the revelation you talk to the father about it. He'll still say go. For the Word of God has never permeated the hearts or lives of men and women unless they went. They've got to go, you've got to move, you can't still stand still. You have to carry out the Word of God. If you don't you'll be kicking against the pricks all your life and you will have sore spots and be miserable.
Now, when this Ananias went over to see Saul, Saul was blind. Saul couldn't see, he'd been blinded on the road, and the first thing he did when he got there? He said he entered into the house in verse 17 and he put his hands on him. Now in the healing ministry sometimes you see where people they put hands on people. Other times they don't. This kind of thing has never been quite understood. In some groups they put their hands on them all the time; every time somebody comes to be prayed for - or as they call it to receive the holy spirit - you put your hands on them.
They use this scripture as their kickoff text to show that - show that Ananias put his hands on Saul and since Ananias put his hands on Saul we ought to be putting our hands on people. Another verse they use is the one from the gospel of Mark: they shall lay hands on the what? Sick. And the sick shall recover. These are the scriptures, these are - these are the pet scriptures.
Now just to quote a scripture is not enough. Ladies and gentlemen to substantiate a teaching there has to be a reason why Mark says the laying on of hands. There has to be a reason why Ananias laid hands on Saul. Because there are other sections in the Word of God: for instance Jesus himself, in the gospel of Mark it does not say he laid hands on them all. It simply says whole multitudes came to him and he healed them all. At another place, then another place Jesus never even went with the man, remember? He had a servant who was sick. The man said I am in authority when I say the word the boys run. You know, he's a centurion, a head of the army or something. And he said when I speak my men carry it out. He said: Jesus you're a man in authority you speak. And all Jesus did was spoke. He said, go home the child is healed, right? How come he didn't lay hands on them?
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