In GOD we trust (not government!)

3 years ago

My relationship with religion has been very difficult. For a long time I rejected it because I’m gay and I felt like I was evil. But I have come to an understanding that God is much bigger than our earthly understanding. I choose to be Christian because I believe Christianity is a foundation of our country.

Where would we be without it? Where did Martin Luther King congregate with his followers? Churches. You can never find political solutions to moral problems, and faith and religious discipline are the best paths to morality.

Christian families are the backbone of everything we enjoy. All of my best friends are Christians & Mormons.
And I have recently connected with so many gay Christians and it is just phenomenal. God is for everyone.

The greatest leaders throughout history have been people of faith.

The Democrats and terrorist organizations like #blacklivesmatter have made it clear that they want to destroy the traditional Christian family.

They are literally desecrating statues of Jesus and terrorizing churches. If you are a Christian, you need to #walkaway now.

The #Maga movement defends religious freedom. At every rally with conservatives we see prayer and faith.

The unbelievable and unfair treatment of #supremecourt nominee @amydawnconey is terrifying. The #democrats want GOVERNMENT to be our God.

Today this song from my Mormon childhood came to my mind and I felt prompted to share it with you. Is God there? I believe so. How can you see a butterfly or watch a baby laugh and not feel that there is something behind it?
A God of love and beauty?

I do not feel persecuted as a gay man, but my straight Christian friends are persecuted. I stand in solidarity with them and defend them.

President @realdonaldtrump recognizes the importance of faith in this country. IN GOD WE TRUST.

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