¡ILLUMINATI! (Enoch253 by ~GOD~)

3 years ago

the 253rd music video by ~GOD~
main site: http://www.benpadiah.com/GOD.html​​​​
reverbnation: http://www.reverbnation.com/ahdvnhay​​​​
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ahdvnhay​​​​
myspace: https://myspace.com/ahdvnhay​​​​


The “illuminati” were founded in 1776-7,
By Jesuit Professor of Legal Cannon,
Adam Weishaupt; it had
A 5 member Areopagite council
Over 2000 members when it was dissolved
By decree of the Bavarian government
In 1784.

Weishaupt’s plan was to infiltrate Free
Masonic lodges of the era, not through open
Discourse of his ideas, but by espionage and
Black-mail of high ranking, wealthy members.
He sought to position his loyal “advisors” behind them,
Like the “Assassins” cult of Hassan Ibn Sabbah -
The Old Man of Alamaut Mountain - in key political
positions to advance his plot by subterfuge,

The agenda of the Illuminati was stated to be:
The overthrow of all existing forms of
Religion and government.
The Rothschilds maybe seen
To have advanced this plan
by gaining control of international banking
and financing both sides in all wars since then,
thus controlling all conflicts to their own advantage.

But that was only the first step in the Protocols Of Illuminism;
Rothschild funding both Napoleon and Czarism,
Rockefeller and Warburg funding Marxist Bolshevism,
Harriman and Prescott Bush funding National Socialism;
The CIA formed from the OSS to facilitate Project Paperclip
And was used to destabilize developing nations’ Democracies
And experiment on American citizens in MK-Ultra with LSD.

On 9-11, 2001, the Illuminati’s New World Order celebrated
Their victory over all independent nations’ sovereignty when the
“Neo-conservative” George W Bush Presidency effectively
Declared any adversaries to them “terrorists” in an unending war
Without borders to justify limitless, fiat funding for the
Military-industrial complex of the US.

Now, in 2021 AD, everyone alive can clearly see who the modern
Illuminati are: wealthy elites like pedophile human trafficker
Jeffrey Epstein, who flew on his Lolita Express private jet plane with
Both Democrat and Republican Presidents of the US - but
The US Presidents have all been beholden to the NWO ever since
GHWB shot JFK in 1964 - we take it for granted nowadays that
Tony Fauci and the World Health Organization are in “lock-step”
With the World-Economic Forum’s “Build Back Better” plans, it’s
Just like Julian Assange and George Orwell were warning us and it’s
Just like the Bilderberg Group plotted out for us in 2018, living in a
“Post-Truth World” where “covid-19” is justification for implementing
A global “social credit score” system complete with private prisons
For the last remaining dissidents to oppose post-humanism.
Instead of carbon being used as fuel, it’s taxed as humanity’s pollution
But still people are wondering, lost in the hypnotic predictive programming
Presented by those who control the past in order to control the future.
Your soul is whatever makes you unique, your essence is on what they feed,
They want you to believe it’s only either love or fear, but it’s your hopes they eat.
You’ve been warned now, you cannot claim you cannot see the truth about
The Illuminati, and now you know, they’re coming for your adrenachrome.

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