Prophetic news! Pope to resign unusual activity Megan Kelly & Israel gov collapse! France

2 years ago

This Is breaking news! I saw on Twitter that Megan kelly is reporting from the Vatican and she is on vacation there that there’s a lot of unusual activity at the Vatican. She said there were lots of Cardinals there and there’s speculation that’s not yet completely verified that pope Francis could possibly be getting ready to resign! At the same time the French elections have turned In favor of Marine Le Pen, Against Macron. At the same time Israel’s government has collapsed so that the Knesset will dissolve by Wednesday so that new elections will be taking place and Benjamin Netanyahu is condemning the current government saying it’s been the worst and also projecting that he will once again be Prime Minister of Israel! Please consider supporting Kimberly at this time thank you very much❤️🐰
Kimberly K Ballard P.O. Box 246
Niwot, CO 80544

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