Morning Musings # 128 - What is Satanism according to Jesus?

2 years ago

Can I do a little bit of #musing , just to formulate some thoughts. Now, as I am becoming more aware of my own person in body, #mind and #soul ... as there is more #cohérence I am beginning to see what it is that #jesus came to do #2000 years ago.

He was never asking anybody to turn him into their #personal #saviour , their #king , their #god ... in fact it's quite contrary. Whenever #human beings tried to do that to him, he went and escaped their hands. He wasn't going to be made a king by anybody and he sure wasn't going to be worshipped as a god.

But we are all like Peter, right #Peter tried to make Jesus his God and his #saviour and his #deliverer as well. Do you remember the passage where Jesus turned to Peter and said, "Get behind me, #satan for you are a hindrance to me and you don't mind the things of God, but the things of man? Now, that is exactly what we as #Christians have to do and Jesus would have responded to us in the same manner. We absolutely do mind the things of man and not the things of God, when we cling to Jesus as #father , #god , #savior and #deliverer . That is not what he became to be, he was a #teacher and he taught us the #way to #selfmastery .

But what human beings do instead and we see this very clearly expressed in Peter's response and behaviour. When Jesus was about to go to the cross, Peter said "#lord , you will do no such thing!" And you know why Peter said that?

Because Jesus had become the best thing that ever happened to Peter. Jesus solved all of Peter's problems, but Peter never addressed... Peter leaned on Jesus to solve his problems, when in fact Peter needed to solve his own problems.

And like we as Christians do, Peter was the very first Christian in clinging to Jesus and not wanting to let him go, and not wanting anything to happen to him, because Jesus had become Peter's #psychological crutch. And peter was not gonna to let Jesus go, Peter was not going to let anything happen to this spiritual experience and physical experience that had ever happened to him.

And as Christians we have done the same thing with Jesus. And what did Jesus say about such clingy needy energy, that came from humans such as Peter? Get behind me, get away from me Satan! You are a #stumbling #block #stumblingstones to me. You are concerned with the things of man, and that is our neediness, our co-dependency, our needing a Saviour. That was not what Jesus came for. Jesus was a wonderful teacher. And I understand him now, because I am very much in the same purpose as he was, and so is everyone that teaches the I AM gospel. We don't want people clinging to us, we just want to show people the way to self mastery. How you can become your own lord, how you can master your own #soul and #psyche ... your psychological mind.

And the #overcoming of this life is in the self-mastery of the mind. And this, yeah it just come to me like that because Christians have done exactly what Peter did. Basically, Christianity has become #satanism , if we turn anything into an 'ism'. Then Jesus calling Peter Satan, would have turned Christianity into Satanism, because of that #mentality of "I want Jesus, because he's done such wonderful things to me and I can't ever let him go, because if I let him go then my life is gonna be the shits again."

Well no, your life doesn't have to be the shits, your life doesn't have to be the shits without Jesus. You just have to realise that you are not shits to begin with, but you are a divine being. And you have the very same glory, and the very same Spirit, same very breath that Jesus had is in you. You are #jesuschrist . But because we elevated Jesus as an #idol it has rendered #humanity inept, #helpless and in a #victim mode for the last 2000 years. It's time to rise up, it's time to rise up into your own Christness and then you will #overcome the #psychological #world of #victimhood of neediness, and you will ascend and #rise and #transcend all of that and be an overcomer, and then you will be #saved .

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