Goodbye to Healthcare (See Description)

2 years ago

It was a very sad day, the day I made this video back in December of 2021. I couldn't understand how an employer that I worked so hard for, for 15 years, could just discard me, and via email no less, just for not wanting to take an experimental gene altering therapy that has known toxins and was created using aborted fetal cells. What an upside-down world we live in.
I asked myself, how could they force something on us that they couldn't provide informed consent for, but we would never think about giving contrast for a radiology procedure without first getting consent.
When I was fired, I wasn't even working on-site anymore. I had been working from home for 9 months, as I had stopped working clinically for the 5 years prior and was working administratively from home.
I knew that I could not go against my God-given discernment, or my deeply held beliefs. I did not want to lose my job, nor my career, but the writing was on the wall. Tyrants don't negotiate or do what's right. They do what serves them. The corruption in New York, and in these massive corporations, is vast and deep, and it won't be until we take down the root of the evil that that it will end. My experience with my employer has left me questioning the integrity of ALL healthcare, and I can no longer trust these institutions that use coercion, bullying & fear tactics, and misinformation to serve their own interests, while completely disregarding the needs of their patients and employees.
Our government works for the United States Corporation, which is essentially owned by the Vatican and the Crown Temple Syndicate. Because hospitals exist with the permission of our government, they of course will go along with the government agenda, and those who think differently will be discarded. This way of thinking was coming from an institution that preached tolerance, inclusivity, and was anti-discrimination??? Apparently, those things only went one way.
No politician works for us, no matter what they tell you. It's all a smoke illusion.
For those of you say you're awake, but still support a certain side, or particular politician, I'm sorry but you are still sleeping.


YouTube: Cyndy Lee Vocals

FB: Follow both of my Facebook pages "Live Free with Cyndy Lee" & "Cyndy Lee Vocals"

FB Group - Live Free From Narcissistic Control:

IG: Follow both of my Instagram accounts @livefreewithcyndylee & @cyndyleevocals

Rumble: @livefreewithcyndylee

If you want to know what is happening in our legalized child trafficking system (CPS, DCF, Family Court, Foster Care), follow Francesca Amato, who is a national domestic violence advocate, best-selling author, and expert in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
You can find her on her YouTube Channel "PUNISHED NO MORE AND FREE TO PROTECT"

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