Jesus is coming now for His bride and will leave everyone else left behind

2 years ago

Jesus is about to step out of heaven and snatch His bride out of this wicked satanic world and God will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world and He will destroy America and those living in America will be dead! Killed or taken to prison camps! America has rejected God and said we do not want you!! We do not need your help at all we care more about the gays rainbow trout sodomites then you! We love abortion, abuse, rape, ourselves, our dead rotten churches that do nothing at all!! America will be destroyed and will be no more and all the dead rotten lukewarm phony church people will all be left behind!! Your games of playing church is over for you lukewarm! Your church buildings will be destroyed and all of you will be thrown outside!! You are either for the antichrist or Jesus there is no middle ground in the tribulation period at all, if you follow Jesus you will be serverly persercuted and killed for not worshipping the antichrist and getting his vaccine mark of the beast!! You will be hunted down, turned in, not allowed to go into any stores at all, all the stores will scan everyone entering and will know who doesn't have the cursed mark of the beast and will throw them into prison camps where they will torture those who do not worship the antichrist and will kill them!! God will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world and will crush all the wicked!! The 7 trumpets will sound and all water will be posion, hail mixed with blood will fall to earth and will kill anyone it hits!! Demons will sting all those who do not have God seal on their forehead, the 7 Bowl judgements will be poured out on all the demonic vaccine antichrist followers and they will get painful boils on themselves, the sun will sorch them and will be so hot it will burn them, they will be thrown into the lake of fire and killed by Jesus for they are His enemies and He will destroy all those who are against Him, there are no gays, lesbians, trans or wicked in heaven and the New jersalem, no dead lukewarm church people, no abuser's, liars, cultists, murderders, false prophets, lovers of magic arts, those who sleep around while married, gambler's, drunks, those who got the vaccine and give it out, thieves, those who mock God, atheists, self righteous church people, everyone who hates the truth and God, all these people will be at the great white throne judgement and God will judge everyone according to what they did alive and no one will be able to hide at all!! It will be set in stone and God will say depart from Me for I never knew you go into the lake of fire for I never knew you and you never asked Me to forgive you ever so I never did!! All the wicked, lukewarm church people who acted like they were better than God and went to church all the time will be at the great white throne judgement and there is no second chance at all, that door is shut forever!! Time is over and Jesus is about to snatch His bride before the 7 year tribulation begins and it will begin!! It will be hell on earth!! The antichrist beast world is here and not going away at all

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