4 Dr Lester Sumrall - Demons and Deliverance through ll Pt 21 - 27 of 27

2 years ago

Dr Sumrall discusses what the bible tells us about the demonic realm and how to deal with it. He reveals that Satan has involved many influential people in the occult through Cabala through books, movies, games like Dungeon & Dragons. Satan uses deception as he always has telling people you will become enlightened to the mysteries that have been hidden from you. You will get wealth and power from doing evil. We know these groups today by the name Cabal and the Illuminati, the "enlightened ones". All Satan worshipers are lost, you can not serve God and Satan too. Satan worshipers believe that Satan is God and that Christians are deceived. Because the churches have not recognized this work of Satan and warned and stood against it as they should and have been given the authority to do in Jesus name, it has been allowed to grow into a Worldwide movement that seeks to take over the world today.

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