Where Have All The Workers/Job Seekers Gone?

2 years ago

I was chatting with a guy who runs a popular restaurant today, and I've heard similar things from a few other people that I wrote off at the time as cunty boomerisims (kids these days, avocado on toast etc), but what this guy told me is that zoomers are so phone addicted, socially anxious and lazy that they will barely in many cases work 25 hours a week if at all, and they have trouble speaking or holding eye contact. There's signs up for jobs everywhere atm, no experience needed, and I thought there might be a lack of kids, but apparently, they just can't be fucked or see work as beneath then.

This is in Australia, but I'm wondering now if because of phone shit being universal that a mass contagion of depression/narcissism has affected/ruined younger people? Ill factor in a loss of motivation due to house and rent prices being fucked, same with student debt if you're an American, but what do you think?

I personally lean in favor of not throwing young people under a bus with a fucked economy and all the crap around social media just to side with boomers

It's not in line with the usual stuff I've posted, but its a question people are interested in responding to, so I'll go with what's interesting.

Threads: (Where Have The Workers Gone?)
Part 1 /thread/383095485
Part 2 /thread/383112087


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