Biden Policies Hurt Hardworking Americans Across USA, One America News and Mark Mix

2 years ago

Joe Biden is vowing support to unions while his economic policies are hurting American workers across the nation. Earlier today, one American, Stella Escobedo, discussed the matter with Mark Mix, president of the National Right to Work Committee.

Let's talk more about this with Marc Mix. He is the president of the National Right to Work Committee. Mark, thanks so much for being here.

00:00:23:03 - 00:00:25:26
Mark Mix, National Right To Work Committee President
Stella, thanks for bringing this up. This is important to talk about for sure.

00:00:26:09 - 00:00:40:08
Stella Escobedo, OAN Host
It is. And, you know, it's interesting. Mark, Biden is standing there telling these workers he's working hard to rebuild the economy. Meanwhile, we know people's dollars aren't going as far as it used to. No matter what he says. Right. I mean, denial maybe?

00:00:40:08 - 00:00:47:24
Mark Mix, National Right To Work Committee President
Well, certainly trying to change the narrative because if you're a rank and file worker across America and it weren't it wasn't rank and file workers sitting in that convention hall in Philadelphia.

00:00:47:24 - 00:01:13:21
Mark Mix, National Right To Work Committee President
It was the top bosses of the AFL-CIO, the delegates from these big unions across the country. If you're an energy worker, you're wondering, what the heck did we invite this guy for? Because you're out of work because the Keystone Pipeline has been shut down. And drilling and and actually research and on federal lands has been withdrawn. And, you know, you played the clips of Biden on the campaign trail talking about ending coal and ending fossil fuel If you're in the energy business and you're a rank and file member of an energy union, you're wondering why is he doing this? ...

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