Evolving Science: Two Busses from Leipzig

2 years ago


In a former life, I actually had the opportunity to help to develop the points of instruction for the Human Intelligence (HUMINT)/Counterintelligence (CI) for the U.S. Army Intelligence School at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, and that's a pretty cool job if you are just a lieutenant who just left special operations. Or, at least according to some politically motivated blogs, this was just my imagination. Nonetheless, let's just say that if you were to look at the movie Torn Curtain and try to analyze the climax scenes as Michael Armstrong and Sarah Sherman make their way to escape, you might at least come up with some good thoughts for your own spy thriller with a template of how a two-bit escape and spy organization might operate in theory. And some say Hitchcock may have been a spook himself.

We have two busses. The real bus trailing the impostor bus that normally just blends in unnoticed while wannabe activists drive along but have never actually had a situation where they had to worry about folks being chased by police. And, they end up losing the bus, a steep investment. Why? Because any professional would have told you it was the wrong plan for that scenario.

And, now using this template, in this film, we apply this analysis to potential cover stories and standard training ops that may have encountered nonstandard evolutionary pressure. Theoretically, of course.

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