The Infinite Star Connections - Ep.049 - Derrell Stokes

2 years ago

We are thrilled to welcome back Derrell Stokes to the Infinite Star Connections. His positive perspective and energy uplift the heart and soul of everyone with whom he comes in contact. Derrell's high frequencies attract trans-dimensional beings, faeries, elementals, angelic beings, etc. He has the most stunning orb pictures from around the world, including China!

Derrell will explore this rare planetary alignment in conjunction with the Summer Solstice, higher consciousness, energy work, and more. You will feel rejuvenated, energized, positive, and grounded in a new reality.

Join us for a spiritual and high consciousness episode!

#orbs #consciousness #dimensional #beings #podcast #infinite #stars #connections #faeries #summersolstice #planetary #alignment

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