Episode On Handwashing | How to wash your hands properly | Hand washing tutorial | Elite Healers NYC

4 years ago

This video is about Handwashing and how to wash your hands like a professional. October 15th is a holiday which is known as“International Hand Washing Day”. Learn step by step what is needed to be done to properly wash your hands like the professionals' wash. Having a proper hand washing technique is important when you work in medical or food services.

Proper handwashing is important for people of all types, not just for those who work in medical or food services. In fact share this video with those you care about so they can learn the proper hand washing method from Adam Cardona, licensed massage therapist.

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~~~Time Stamps~~~
0:00 start
2:54 When to wash
5:07 How to disinfect your rings, wrist watches and bracelets
6:09 Why artificial nails are prohibited for medical professionals
7:08 Don't splash the dirty water
7:52 Antibacterial soap for really dirty hands
8:36 What makes antibacterial soap different
9:24 Handwashing timing from the surgeon's guide
13:02 "Hands-on" Demonstration on how to wash your hands correctly

***Please note that all links will be fully posted right before midnight on October 16th, 2020 Eastern Standard Time*** We are running a little behind, thank you for your patience. If you could please support us on Patreon so we can get a little more financial help so we can streamline the process, it would be greatly appreciated. If you can't support on Patreon then please share this video with someone you think could learn from this video. Either way, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! ~Adam***

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