Agenda 21 Explained

2 years ago

Agenda 21 Explained
Agenda 21 was decades in the making. The “21” in the name refers to the 21st Century.For the first time Introduced at the 1992 UN “Earth Summit” in Rio de Janeiro, President George H. Bush and leaders from 177 other nations, signed on to this “non-binding” UN action plan that was supposedly designed to assist governments at the local, national and international level the implementation of so-called “sustainable development.”

Rio+20 happened in 2012 at the UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT the attending members reaffirmed their commitment to Agenda 21 in their outcome document called “The Future We Want”. 180 nation leaders participated

At the Sustainable Development Summit in 2015, Agenda 2030 was introduced. Agenda 2030, also known as the Sustainable Development Goals, was a set of goals decided upon at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in 2015.

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