Why RIGHT NOW Is The Best Time To Buy A House! (Don't Wait!)

2 years ago

Dave Ramsey Says Right Now is the Best Time to Buy A House.. Add me on IG @ThisisJohnWilliams

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Dave Ramsey says that right now is the best time to buy a house and that you should not wait. Dave Ramsey says that this will be the best time to buy over the next five years.

I think Dave Ramsey is a very smart individual and I agree with most of what he says when it comes to debt management, credit cards and living above your means.

However on this specific topic I think Dave Ramsey could not be more wrong and that this advice will costs his viewers dearly if they move forward and take his advice on real estate buying in 2022. I believe that most home buyers will soon be upside down on their houses and will step into financial hardship and in some ways, this could tarnish Dave Ramseys message that he's worked for decades to build.

The reality of this is that todays day and age is much different than the era Dave Ramsey grew up in which was more of a straight line with some small economic peaks and valleys. We are stepping into a world with increased insurance costs, increased taxes, job loss, inflation and much much more.

I enjoy watching Dave Ramsey from time to time and his show I always found entertaining (Dave Ramsey Highlights and the Dave Ramsey Show) however I think that we look back on the video he recently released as simply incorrect.

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