模仿世人的言语vs出于圣灵的言语(warningthepeople)Mimicking the World Verses Speaking from the SPIRIT

2 years ago

SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xOe-sEC6ZM

2022年6月20日 warningthepeople

大多数人说的不是从圣灵那里听到的话,而是重复他们在新闻上听到的东西,他们的想法不是自己的,他们就像鹦鹉学舌一样,想别人所想,做别人所做。 但作为跟随耶稣的门徒,我们所听的有另一个来源。 我们不需要听世界的声音,我们也不需要关注世界的声音,我们听从的是能给人生命的圣灵,想他所想,以他的心为心。当他按照他的形象塑造我们时,我们从原来的旧人变成耶稣基督真正希望我们成为的人。 如果我们有真实的祷告生活,我们就会不断地被塑造成神的形象,我们不断地从灵界的上帝那里获得信息,这样,当我们说话时,我们就不会想鹦鹉学舌一样,重复那些来自世界的话,我们说的是神的灵赐给我们的礼物:真理之道。 我们通过圣灵赐给我们的语言,来造就真正的教会,我们能够传讲出生命,因为生命的灵在我们里面! 圣灵在你里面吗? 当你祷告时,你能听到上帝的声音吗? 还是你只是在模仿世人? 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

Mimicking the World Verses Speaking from the Spirit
Instead of hearing from the Holy Spirit, most people are just repeating what they have heard on the news, their ideas are not their own, they’re just like parrots, the think what other people think, they do what other people would do. But as the disciples who follow Jesus, we hear from a different source. We don’t hear from the world, we don’t LISTEN to the world that is, we listen to the Spirit that brings LIFE, and our mind becomes His mind, our heart becomes His heart, and as He molds us to His image, we change from who we were to become the person that Jesus Christ wants us to become. If we have a real prayer life we are constantly being molded to the image of God, we constantly are getting our information from the HOLY SPIRIT in the spiritual realm, and that way when we speak, we don’t speak the words of the world that we are just parroting, we speak the words of TRUTH that came to us as a GIFT from the Spirit of GOD to us. We edify the true CHURCH by the words the HOLY SPIRIT gives us, and we are able to speak LIFE because the Spirit of LIFE is in us! Is the Holy Spirit in you? Do you hear from God when you pray? Or are you just mimicking the world? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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