Mike Pence Is Not At Hero

2 years ago

The mainstream media is celebrating Mike Pence as a courageous defender of Democracy. Mike Pence did the right thing on January 6th, but not for the right reasons.

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So the democrats must sort of figure out how they make this compelling. and I think like you know doing a prime time thing and the way they've done this has been fairly good. But the problem is who the villains are here is so nebulous. You can't say that about Donald Trump. Because if it was just Donald Trump it wouldn't be an issue. but there were senators. There were congresspeople. It's clear there's a supreme court justice you know within uh sort of like uh you know close proximity that was involved in this. and if you either say as a class of people as a group of people they're bad. or you don't. And we've been getting mixed messages from the democratic leadership. it's before the 2020 event. right absolutely well right now you've got you now look at the good man john Cornyn who's just working as darndest to get that gun bill passed. and then split screen over here and you have oh and by the way, the republican staged an insurrection. and by the way, it was the republicans, right? I mean one of the things we haven't just seen in the hearings yet. I'll be very and I don't think we're going to, which is really unfortunate. you know we just found out that all this that everybody knew was illegal right? I mean the president knew it was illegal. The lawyers knew it was illegal. Everybody in the white house knew it was illegal. the department of justice knew it was illegal. and yet the same thing kept happening, right? they had these lawyers coming over and over again kind of pressing the case. and we've got to get mike pence to do this thing. Okay, that's fine. but you know who else knew it was illegal people like mike lee and Lindsey graham who were looking at the same reports and who were taught and or Jim Jordan who was on the horn with the president every other every five minutes. There was a whole group of people within the congress who knew exactly what was going on. and not one of them said a word about it. They are equally culpable to John Eastman as far as I'm concerned. that they knew what john Eastman was doing. and they didn't say anything. in fact they looked at him oh this really doesn't make too much sense to me. and then they just put the paper down. well you know that's not what it was a there was an attempted coup. and they just went oh well you know never mind.

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