Mooning without prejudice

4 years ago

(here is the headset version: )
When you've seen something many times, it's hard not to conceptualise, what you see. This video tries to make the left brain relax, but keeping it alert. I corrected the "flat moon" map for the effects of a huge concave mirror, in order to view as if you are looking through glass window exactly from where the moon is. I did some calculations to find the most realistic settings. The image used was downloaded from the(m) NASA website. The grayscale information was used as a depth map to a sphere the size of the projection "dome". I used a fixed focus depth, while changing camera position and rotation.

When I look at the images I see two completely different one.
The concave one: I see beautiful bubbling water frozen in time, having ice like properties as well. Symmetrical shapes, seem to rise from the deep, and multiple shapes are connected trough light beams.
With the concave one, I see a dark dimensional creature, a giant slow living beast that absorbs light.

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