Blindspot Special 3.1. -> COVID Power Grabs Exposed: Smokers of the world UNITE!

2 years ago

Blindspot Special 3.1. -> COVID Power Grabs Exposed

For Part One text and quotes -

The Ongoing Legal drama of South Africa’s Unconstitutional Ban on the sale of Tobacco /Smokable product (during pan(dem)ic lock-up of 2020)
& present ‘Smoking Gun’ evidence of …

How Vladmir Putin, Xi Jinping and a JV of Cuban Cigar Manufacturers saved smokers from extermination via clandestine mission delivered in Tupolev SU40 Long Range Nuclear Bombers straight from Moscow to Praetoria - South Africa.

We share this, free & gratis. An extract from Buiteboer’s book - Searching for Madness in the Method: this is not a survival guide to autopilot’s disease and the turbulent twenties of the twenty-first century. on 21 June 2022, the text of the free chapter will begin to appear on

Smoking as Criminal Offence and Sigmund the Fraud Recolonises Africa: The officially non-redacted, first time ever translation, into Machiavellian Inglish, of Professor Jan Kalahari’s short story

We do this to celebrate the fact that in June 2022, the South African High Court of Appeal, ruled, like the Western Cape High Court, in December 2020, that the ban imposed on the sale of tobacco products, as part of COVID-19 lockdown and national lock-up procedures, was in fact, unconstitutional. This means South Africa’s cabinet has a minister declared doubly unconstitutional by the courts!

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