Project Ascension WoW Leveling Guide - Fastest Way to Level

2 years ago

A guide on the 2022 Project Ascension leveling meta that helps you level up fast.

0:00-0:34 - Introduction
0:35-2:20 - Table of Contents
2:21-5:01 - What you'll need
5:02-6:26 - The Fastest Way To Level in Ascension
6:27-9:22 - Your Set Up
9:23-9:58 - Hypothetical Set Up
9:59-10:42 - Which dungeons should you do?
10:43-14:29 - Dungeon Routes
14:30-15:02 - Dungeon Routes - What's the gist?
15:03-15:28 - What if my group queues into a bad dungeon?
15:29-18:54 - Your leveling options for 60-70
18:55-19:58 - Conclusion and Final Thoughts


Project Ascension Leveling Guide - Fastest Way to Level

What You'll Need

In General:
-Aura of XP x1 per group
-Experience Potion x1-2 per person
-Soul of the Warden Legendary Enchant x1 per DPS


-Gear/Weapon Swaps based on role/spec x1 per person
-Head of Khadgar x1 per group
-Battle Horn (as many as you can)
-Shattrath, Yojamba Isle, and Orgrimmar/Stormwind Stones of Retreats (City Specific Hearthstones)
-Revered with Zul'gurub Reputation
-Pick Starter Zone item
-Stylish Backpack (swag)

Fastest Way To Level (AKA - the "leveling meta")

-Leveling 1-70 in a 5 man group spamming dungeons until level 60 and then you have a choice of different options to
reach max.
How do we do it?
- Start off in either Elwynn Forest or Durotar depending on if you're going for an Alliance or Horde run.
*Note: if you're all starting from level 1, it's always faster to make sure each member of your party is in the same
- Your aura user should have their aura popped, and each member of your party should pop 1 experience potion.
- At this point you should reach level 15 by doing starter zone quests with your party. This is mostly semantics, as
your route here will at best save you only a couple minutes of time at best, but generally:
If Horde: Do the boar, imp, and sarkoth quests
If Alliance: Do the wolf, kobold, and defias quests
This is best done with a Battle Horn and keeping together with your group.

Your Set Up

- (DPS) Daggers/Strength+AP Gear, a level 20/40/60 set of blue gear from the auction house, often with
strength/AP and crusader enchant for dps. It needs to be blue so you can put enchants on it.
- (Heal/Tank) Any intellect/stamina gear/enchants for Healers and Tanks that is blue quality and using relevant stats (int/stamina)


-Do some BGs or PvP dailies at max and get the honor daggers for levels 18-48 because they're cheap and efficient. The
BG and 1v1 Skirmish daily alone will reward you with enough honor to buy the entire set.
-Buy, save, and collect cheap blues from level 15-58, and then cheap Outland blues for 60-64.
-Use these talents as a guideline for leveling as a FoK dps.

Your level 60-70 Options

Outland Starter Quest Turn Ins
Letter off last boss of Hellfire Ramparts
Blood Furnace Quest
Sethekk Halls - Brother Against Brother and Terokks Legacy to 70


Outland Starter Quest Turn Ins
Letter off last boss of Hellfire Ramparts
Blood Furnace Quest
RoB to 70


TP to Yojamba Isle with Revered Reputation
Turn in various quests for level 60-67
(?) Sethekk Halls - Brother Against Brother and Terokks Legacy to 70 or Ring of Blood to 70


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-Sara Hedberg
-Chikke Ytt
-Yolo Swaggins
-Patrik Csonka
-Leondre Morgan
-Per Ståhl
-Claus Jepsen
-D.C. Gold
-Christian Gadgaard
-Erik Schmidt
-Brybread ᐛ
-Ryan Turner


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