FLCCC doctors present more evidence of vaccine shedding

2 years ago

Vaccine shedding is the phenomenon of a (recently) vaccinated person shedding 'something' related to vaccination (e.g. spike proteins, antibodies, exosomes, mRNA) that could be transferred to and might impact close contacts.

Although it sounds far-fetched, FDA actually has a whole document from 2015 titled 'Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products'. It says:

"The Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)/Office of Cellular, Tissue, and Gene Therapies (OCTGT) is issuing this guidance to provide you, sponsors of virus or bacteria-based gene therapy products (VBGT products)1 and oncolytic viruses or bacteria (oncolytic products) with recommendations on how to conduct shedding studies during preclinical and clinical development. For purposes of this guidance, the term “shedding” means release of VBGT or oncolytic products from the patient through one or all of the following ways: excreta (feces); secreta (urine, saliva, nasopharyngeal fluids etc.); or through the skin (pustules, sores, wounds)."


A recent preprint shows that antibodies are shed. See:

Evidence for Aerosol Transfer of SARS-CoV2-specific Humoral Immunity

There is even a 2016 paper on self-disseminating vaccines, see:

Self-disseminating vaccines for emerging infectious diseases

According to dr. Lee Merritt, this article describes research on making mice infertile by injecting them with an infertility causing vaccine. When the vaccinated mice rub up against unvaccinated mice, these other mice also become infertile. This goes on for about 3 cycles, after which it fizzles out, because they don't want to eradicate the entire mice population.

Like so many other things, research on shedding related to the COVID 'vaccines', was skipped. The lack of evidence to the contrary, does not preclude the narrative followers from confidently banishing anything related to the land of fiction.

SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v18pald-womens-health-and-covid-19-flccc-weekly-update-june-15-2022.html

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