And then there were none...

3 years ago

Lori Fiechter here in mid-October. The garden is truly, truly gone for the year now! Stan tore out the remaining rows--the lima beans and the peppers. It's all dirt now and a heap of dead plants. Stan tilled garden but he'll need to till it again once the straw has all rotted.

I have three refrigerator crisper drawers full of peppers now. Plus I roasted and froze four more jam jars of green chilies. I made stuffed pepper soup last week--may have to make a larger batch and freeze it!

Thanks for watching this season--I had quite a scare at the beginning with the chemical damage. But thanks to God, we had a harvest--and a very good harvest at that! Now I'll transition back into bread making and using up the produce I canned and froze...just in time for the colder weather.

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