Poison Frog Facts You’ll Never Forget

1 year ago

Poison frog is a group of poisonous amphibians with over 175 known frog species. They are native to Amazonian rainforests, known for their vibrant colors and venom running through all over their bodies. They receive their poisonous venom from their primary diet; the insects, making them untouchable with bare hands as the poison may leak from their skin. Poison frog species can sweat a mixture of alkaloids from their skin, which can block transmission of nerve signals, thus leading to cardiac arrest or respiratory paralysis, and eventually killing whoever touches them. Yellow poison frogs a.k.a golden poison frogs are known to be the deadliest of them all.

They are known to live solitary lives, however, in captivity, they can live in small groups as well. Both male and female frogs become aggressive in mat...

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