2 years ago

Mike teaches today. 06/11/22



VERSE 1-3 These things (related to My departing from you) have I spoken unto you (that you might have faith in My Words after I have gone and be prepared for great opposition from the Worldly religious Jews), that ye should not be offended (derailed, disheartened, discouraged, taken by surprise, and deterred from your mission; that of your appointed witnessing of Me to Israel when the Spirit of Truth comes and reminds you of these Words).

They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.
And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.
‘As the Worldly Leaders of Israel, inspired by satan, who rules the World, have persecuted Me, as a result of My having exposed them as men of error under the control of the spirits of evil,…remember they will persecute you also, as you witness of Me and then to represent to them those things which I had said and revealed as being truth, for which they are rejecting Me (1pet1:7;4:12).

The great temptation for the disciples would naturally be to fall back on the dependence of the Law of Moses when the disciples are faced with the great opposition of the rich and powerful religious system’s adamant declaration of the continuing validity of Moses and the Prophets of Old, refuting their witness, scorning them for their ignorance of Scripture, persecuting them even unto death… And over time be overcome by shock of their lack of any success, throw up their hands and revert back under the Laws of Moses…. as it appears was the case of many Hebrew Christ followers, in the Book written around 20 years after the Crucifixion, to those who were vacillating.
The reason for their discouragement being guarded against being that the disciple’s expectation, after Jesus ascension, would of been that the Kingdom of Israel under the Messiah’s ruling could/should yet be soon established… (as to that possibility it rightly stood un-refuted at this point in time by the Lord or Holy Spirit as the Father had determined to re-offer Israel, assured of the earthly kingdom by promise to Abraham, the heavenly kingdom portion of His Son’s Kingdom and unrealized after a number of years of continued rejection and persecution, their efforts would begin to be seen to be in vain to them and their faith wain.
Read acts1:3-8 and understand the Lord did not detract from their predetermined mission to testify to Israel again of that entire Kingdom earthly and heavenly inheritance that then could yet be realized (although the disciples did not fully understand the heavenly part and its significance until Paul began to reveal its mystery several decades later), if they would receive Jesus as Messiah in repentance,…and then knowing that they would ultimately reject the truth of that inheritance, would have preached half heartedly and ultimately given Israel’s Leadership excuse from God’s judgment.
Though the Lord foreknew Israel’s Leaders continued rejection He did not take away from the disciples just and genuine appeal by telling them all their appeals to Israel would be found to be vain anyway. Therefore “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.”
These religious Jews, who would hate and persecute them will be declared by the Lord later to John, after their window of opportunity for the heavenly kingdom inheritance was closed (acts28:28) as the “Synagogue of satan” (rev3:9) an Jerusalem will be declared “Sodom and Egypt”… having as a Nation lost the ‘spirit’ of Abraham, the first Hebrew/Jew, they revealed the exceedingly sinfulness of sin nature yet resident in a redeemed man and became a tool of this World’s system, in the ‘house’ of satan, to murder God’s appointed ones and proof up the point for all those who have hearts to perceive the truth; of the disclosed need (worthy of pursuit) in God’s salvation plan of not only a redeeming Atonement but a soul purging Atonement Savior with provision to bring the loving obedient saved into Union with Him.

The persecution by Israel on Christ’s disciples was based upon their limited understanding and not recognizing the very first basic of the Law of Moses; that it was not given to ‘save’ but to condemn. And so in willful presumptuous self-righteousness they persecuted anyone who was named among them, who ‘resisted’ obedience to the Law of Moses, were deserving to be put to death.
Today’s World religious and secular systems, in much of the World, has successfully pushed a god of universality of all ideas, religions, who is accepting of all, and vehemently hates anyone who declares God’s judgments are coming on those who persist to follow this Worlds evil doers (some of the most vocal haters of those who preach the Truth of Scripture are------

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