Apocalyptic fires update October 19th 2020 in Colorado new Lefthand Canyon, Cal-wood & Cameron Peak

4 years ago

This is an update Monday evening October 19th 2020, on the Colorado wildfires. Another fire broke out on Sunday left of the Cal-Wood Fire. In the video I said left hand creek but it’s actually the left hand Canyon fire. And the Cameron Peak fire. Due to the drop in temperature increased humidity, and moisture drizzle that fell, there was little growth in the fire. Be praying that the winds do not pick up. This cooler weather has helped the firefighters because of the prayers of everyone thank you so much! Still praying as a new town was evacuated in a new fire the left-hand canyon fire. So far 26 homes burned to the ground and the fire crossed the last ridge of the mountains before going onto the planes and it actually crossed part of Highway 36 between Boulder and Lyons. Areas are prepared to evacuate if need be in the coming days. Your prayers and support are such a blessing!!!
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