Prepare and heal.(No truth, just experience and understanding)

2 years ago

This video is for anyone who has come to the real realisation that 'It ain't getting better' and seeking solutions, I do not spread fear, truth often reveals that which manifests within in abundance if we allow.
You need to think a whole different way when it comes to bugging out and survival. Here I offer a taste of the task ahead, remember to remain calm and focus.
You must decide what works and is best for you and your situation, do not believe a word I say, find your truth and act upon it to ensure an easier ride for you and all you love.
We have learned enough to say, "fuck off I'll decide", upon death so now we must witness and experience a new reality, a reality alien to we who see and a trojan horse stuffed with wolves in sheep's clothing that the vast population will feed and allow into their lives because they can sell the wool and eat the sheep..until they realise that all they believed was backwards, upside down and a lie..
One by one they will be released to punish any attempt at learning the true nature of us. So prepare not only to survive physically but mentally and spiritually. If we lose focus, we destroy ourselves but if we patiently watch, adapt and prepare in practice..we may yet see a brighter future if only for ourselves and those we love and come to care for, if we are crazy then, "Park yer ass and grab the maple syrup cos I'm-a-wafflin". E-bi-gum.

Much L❤ve


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