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40 Question Tag | Get To Know Me

4 years ago

I was tagged by TN Deer Stalker Outdoors to do a 40 question tag video, get to know me video.
I will list the questions below and I also tagged 7 other channels. Make sure to stop by and check them out and let them know I sent ya!
1. Outdoors and Country Living: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkB0xiR6IzriIC6eh3Wnzrw
2. Essayons Family Gardening: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5I86nDx8QvkKeVtxk2l9vg
3. Home In The Sticks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpfhFBomIJJPDnlWtRDqqtA
4. Game Cam Wildlife Recon: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFX0pJrRHOsWTGxIP2qTcgw
5. Swamp Stalker Outdoors: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU0p02gZ-EqRuMygjgpuzew
6. Daddy Duck 365: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdbJKdvk9eK4I-tc779XTOw
7. Yellow Jacket Outdoors: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-4aCzAuwNtQ-9Z4MKKwz5g

40 Questions
1)Do you like blue cheese
2)Coke or Pepsi
3)In a relationship
4)Whiskey, Tequila or Vodka
5)Hot dog or Cheeseburger
6)Favorite food?
7)What do you drink in the AM
8)Can you do 100 push-ups
9)Favorite season
10)Favorite hobby
12)Do you wear glasses
15)Favorite candy
16)Do you believe in ghosts
17)Biggest downfall
18)Rain or Snow
21) French fries or Onion rings
23) Favorite color
24)Can you sing
25) Can you whistle
26) Where were you born
27) Sibling's
28)Can you cook
29)Can you swim
30) Are you religious
31) Shower or bath
32) Do you like the big city or nature
33) Are you a good friend
34) Broken bones
35) How many T.V"s do you own?
36) Worst pain ever
37) Do you like to dance
38) Do you like camping
39) Are you weird
40) Tag 6 Friends #earlybirdfarmsc #scfarm