Making Up Cookies: Carrot Cake Cookies

4 years ago

This Carrot Cake Cookie Recipe is based of an Oatmeal Cookie Recipe. In this video we discuss the creaming method and how to change elements of it to get different effects. At the end hopefully you will see how to manipulate cookie recipes to make them your own.

Carrot Cake Recipe 2:11
Variations to try, so you can experiment with the creaming method:
1.Replace the butter with vegetable or coconut oil of a denser more moist cookie or more egg for a cookie that spreads more.
2. Change up the Mix-ins, replace the raisins with Dried pineapple and the walnuts with white chocolate chips, you can even replace some of the carrot with shredded coconut, go crazy. As long as its around the same measurements it won't affect the cookie structure.
3. Play with the spices (always be careful with nutmeg though, more than a pinch would be too much).
4.Maybe add a splash of rum with the vanilla.
5. Add toasted chopped walnuts to the outside of the cookie sandwich.
Cream Cheese Frosting 7:44

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Tools used in this video
Kitchen Aid

1oz Scoop

Bowl Scrapper

Reusable Piping bag

Disposable Piping Bag

Parchment Paper

Tip Set

#carrotcakecookies #cookierecipes #cookiesandwiches #carrotcakeideas

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