Bio Labs Built by the U.S. taxpayers are finally being taken out by Russia - Putin is a White Hat

2 years ago

The Ukrainian "invasion" by Russia was not an invasion - Ukraine never defined their borders and is still part of Russia.

This means that Russia, now operating with gold-backed currencies is finally free of the matrix of the deep state and is moving forward with the Alliance plan to neutralize and destroy the deep state while DJT is stalled in moving forward - more then likely because the swamp he is draining is much deeper and more dangerous then initially thought.

This video is an excellent background on the bio-weapon labs built primarily under the regime of Obama, who used U.S. taxpayer dollars to build these dangerous and illegal bio-weapon research labs. Over 30 alone in the Ukraine.

Over 300 around the world.

Under Obama, the United States became the world's most corrupt and dangerous criminal network ever.

Only The Alliance and DJT and the 209 countries who signed on to GESARA can finally break the evil of the deep state Satanists and free mankind from it's deb-slave mentality and spell.

The freedom for mankind is close. Watch for Rods of God, watch for the "death" of Queen Elizabeth (she has been dead more than 2 years now) but that part of the movie is still to come.

You are watching the most complex and massive scale military sting ever - governments all over the world will be falling. Russia was the first to take the lead and other nations are soon to follow.

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