Original naked, uncut (!) version of 'sea shanty':"There Once Was a Ship Called 'Not A Fcuking Clue'

2 years ago

just a throwaway follow-up to my previous thoughts on copy-culture and original thought.. on #China's version of #TikTok - #Douyin,
- T'other day, someone did a Chinglish version of 'Row row row your boat' - which was unintentionally funny.. Cue ten thousand repeats of the same bad English video / song version - Anyroad.. it's'been pissing down lately, so yesterday afternoon while holed up.. and STILL desperately not wanting to start marking my kids exam papers.. I slung this together on my phone by way of indignant riposte..
See also Barrie's other Chinese channels: https://www.douyin.com/video/7110740503838149919 https://linktr.ee/barriev
And: https://youtu.be/uXYYMdha7Qg "There Once Was a Ship Called 'NotAFcukingClue' Thoughts on 'CopyCulture' and Originality.."
Barrie V - 2022.06.12
- 'There Once was a Ship calld 'NotAFeckinClue, No or-ig-i-nal idea to do..
Sailed round and round C-O-P-Y Sea, Where all our brain cells drown..'
I mention another song in this video: 'Little Apple Xiao Pinguo - Listen Here - to my take on that anyway
- How I learned to count in Chinese: https://twitter.com/BeehiveChina/stat... )
All Barrie's Channels https://linktr.ee/barriev (well, almost..)
I should add, what would you call it an annotation, to my criticism of 'lack of 'original thought'.
- I actually do think that there are a lot of people being very creative,
- adapting and repurposing things musically - and with dance and artistic things, and I think it's great.
- My concern is, as I've stated, that there does seem to be a lack of original thought, - especially in terms of original music and songs ~
- Music is my thing, and so, the lack of creativity, there.. as I see it.. - Musically, it's something that I will naturally be.. critical about. But that's not to say that I don't see that there is plenty of creativity around ~ there is! And..
I Love it!
Previously: Slices of #Beijing2022 's #LiveMusic scene 2022 plus an initial smattering of me own self - Barrie VVeiss - Barrie V - Barrie of the V and #Beatles - performing live with 'The Beatles' #Beijing China! For your delectation: A small random selection of fine musicians, bands, and live music from #Beijing2022 's thriving #LiveMusic scene January 2022 - includes a smattering of me own self, Barrie of the V - my first performance in Beijing #China - (N.B. i hadn't picked up a guitar in a very long time, - and hadn't actually (had time to) play a song all the way through for over a year.. This video has cut-down versions of two of my own songs that I played - my own songs - First was 'This Town', and the second was 'Castles in the Sky'.. - there will be a second video of my full performance coming - these first clips are from the UMU club, - thanks and salute to Mike, the manager, and to the many lovely friendly and utterly superb new musician friends I've made in Beijing! - thank you for wonderful evenings - looking forward to many more!
Barrie's Channels: https://linktr.ee/barriev https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rG1c3...
Barrie VVeiss on
Website: https://bestchinainfo.com/
https://twitter.com/ ​China Beehive Beehive China
Barrie V on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@BarrieVv:1
Website: https://bestchinainfo.com/
Weibo: https://weibo.com/u/5328095643
BiliBili - https://space.bilibili.com/600273877
TikTok / Douyin: https://www.douyin.com/user/MS4wLjABA... and https://www.ixigua.com/home/57526845157 - https://www.toutiao.com/c/user/token/...

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See also: Sport - Tennis - FACTS: NYT BBC HRW WTA Weaponise China Tennis Star Peng Shuai: Target? B... https://youtu.be/F1BEW4aJf-I via @YouTube

Barrie is Also on: https://ixigua.com/7025193077820260894 and https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1h44...
Premiering: #Beijing finally! Part 1 of an amazing trip to Beijing: Finally! Enjoying Beijing! #ForbiddenCity Being there - 'Feeling it': The magnificence - It really brings home that sense of the significance of Chinese Civilisation" Go and feel it! 🥰🇨🇳🥰 https://youtu.be/tLDkMRlnXKQ

UPDATES: https://bestchinainfo.com/news/consta...
See also: https://twitter.com/SpokespersonCHN/s... and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0oo8...

See also Barrie's ridiculing of various and sundry BBC MSM MIPAC blah blah codswallop here:

Great honour for us: https://twitter.com/SpokespersonCHN/s... https://youtu.be/L0oo8PsUKrA?t=55

Barrie V and Best China Info Whimsical thoughts, notions, videos, views from a Happy Life in China

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